Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

My friends, to absent companions.

This weekend I hauled two cubic feet of rock, six cubic feet of compost, mowed the lawn, and got a lot of sleep.

Unsurprisingly, it took most of my willpower to get up this morning in order to go to work for a dog-and-pony-show 'design review'. Despite my lead's attempts to mislead, obfuscate, and spin there was still quite a bit of criticism forthcoming, almost all of which the design deserved. I really need to get out of this group.

Grey's Anatomy's season finale still has me stunned. I haven't gotten to re-watching it yet, but I intend to. Perhaps that will allow me to process it better.

The weather this weekend was nearly perfect - sunny and very slightly cool - just right for working outside, fencing, etc. This morning was rather dreary, leading my carpool to comment that for once the weather got its timing right.

I observed a moment of silence at 3:00PM; did you?

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