Monday, July 20, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Baked Script

Harry Potter Movie Review Template:

This is my review of Harry Potter and the [insert rest of name here]. The recurring cast turned in a stellar performance with the limited material they were given to work with. The casting team was also very successful in getting [insert name of non-recurring star here] in their role as [new faculty member of the book here], which they brought off as if they'd been playing the part for years themselves.

Also of note were the special effects, particularly [insert slightly oversized monster here], which looked very life like and yet magical. While impressive, some of the effects, such as [insert magical form of transportation here] seemed rather more distracting than convincing.

Quite why Steve Kloves believes he is a better writer than JK Rowling is uncertain, as the changes from the book to the script have left out information critical to the plot and character development. While I admit [insert name of book here] has its own plot holes, surely the movie would be better served trying to close one or two of them instead of opening new ones?

In particular, I was disappointed by the reduction in Ginny's character, given her importance to the series as a whole. Bonnie Wright seems to be a highly capable actress (doubly so given her age), and I would greatly enjoy seeing her enact her scenes as they were written, or at least somewhat close to the way they were written.

All in all, we are left with a movie whose plot can probably only be fully understood by those who are very familiar with the book, yet sufficiently different that someone familiar with the book will probably still be confused and dissapointed.

Hopefully, the studio will agree with the petition to turn [insert name of next book here] into two movies rather than one, and will sack Mr. Kloves.

Note that Mr. Kloves should be replaced by Mr. Goldenberg for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.


Toni said...

I saw Twilight recently and thought it was a festering puddle of bile.

I hadn't read the book.

I can't help but wonder if that is the experience of someone who has not yet read the Harry Potter books watching Harry Potter.


momsorge said...
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momsorge said...

Agreed. I had to explain several things to my friend, who had not read the book.
I was more than slightly annoyed when the W'S was attacked.
Two things they SHOULD have put in:
1. Some of the other memories about Tom and the objects.
2. The werewolf who bit Lupin, and the fight scene at the castle(including Bill W).

It would have been amusing to show the meeting of the muggle and magical Ministers, but not absolutely necessary.

And I have heard that JK Rowling has agreed the movie should be made into two, because there was to much that would be missed otherwise.