Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Half measures

Just days after the legislation was passed, a newspaper has already found 10 loopholes that will allow increased costs for individual's health care.

I've been reading quite a bit of coverage on what the plan will do, what it won't do, and what it doesn't do now but will in up to four years from now (assuming other legislation doesn't stop those parts before they ever start). So far I've yet to see a single concrete improvement.

Boeing has already announced it will take a $150,000,000 charge against its profits due to this legislation. They're already taking over a thousand dollars a year out of my paycheck for my medical plan (which according to our contract should be free); any guesses as to how the executives will make up that $150 million so they don't have to cut their bonuses?

You'll be taxed if you don't have enough health insurance and taxed if you have too much. Don't you just love it when the government decides what's right for you?

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