Monday, July 28, 2008

New Mexico is a state...

...of the United States.
...of mind.

Either one works, and that's where I've been for the last week. I do several types of vacations. Going-to-wedding vacations are usually three-day weekends. I recently did the wilder style vacation with my trip to Las Vegas. Every so often, though, I take a vacation where I just slow down. I sleep in. I hike in the woods not to get somewhere, but just to be in the woods. I have no detailed plans for the week, or for the next day, or sometimes for the current day. This was the latter kind of vacation.

Everything moves a little slower in a county the size of Connecticut with a population the size of the Boeing Everett workforce.

So I saw the results of a forest fire at ground level (impressive).
I watched The Dark Knight.
I did some outdoor shooting.
I hiked.
I hung out with various people.
I played computer games.
I read three and a half books.
And I got a LOT of sleep.

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