Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Its the quiet ones you have to watch

But the loud ones get listened to whether they deserve it or not.,8599,1878358,00.html?cnn=yes

I often think that describing human beings as intelligent gives us far too much credit.


Toni said...

That was fascinating! Thank you for posting it.

"An overwhelming 94% of the time, the teams used the first answer anyone shouted out — often giving only perfunctory consideration to others that were offered."


I've been doing my project management with my miniteam of 3 and... I'm getting a glimpse of office politics first hand. I have one particularly vocal yet incompetent individual on my team and one very quiet but very skilled individual.

I have to deliberately seek out that person's input and focus on that person (with eye contact) when they are talking as the incompetent one tries repeatedly to interrupt.

It's completely unnerving when someone won't listen to you because yes, it does make you doubt your competence and want to listen to them even if you are SURE they are wrong lol.

Gridley said...

I sometimes think their is an inverse ratio between percieved competency and actual competency in this day and age.

Very little I've seen lately is helping me get rid of this impression.

Toni said...

I am ashamed to say I used this twice today and it worked both times :) I just asserted something confidently instead of my usual tactful approach and people stopped arguing with me lol.

Gridley said...

I think I'm too introverted and lawful to pull that off, at least very often. :-(