Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Technical Difficulties and Loose Ends

Note the first: I'm still sick. This cold just won't let go.

Note the second: It may be my imagination, but I think my computer at work has my cold too.

OK, Grey's Anatomy rolled around Thursday evening. Or rather, it almost rolled around. It sorta rolled around. It rolled around without sound. Yup, every other channel had sound, but not ABC. Luckily I was eventually able to watch the episode online... with a few more technical difficulties.

However, I think there were technical difficulties with the production of the show too; I usually associate that many loose ends with a multi-part episode or the season finale. And where the heck is George? He's had no more than a token appearance in the last two episodes (maybe more, I'm not really sure). Don't get me wrong, I like the rest of the cast too, but he seems to be getting left out a lot - ironic considering he was initially left out of promotion to resident.

I spent some time this morning looking over the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corp. I didn't realize they had engineers in addition to the various health care specialties. Since I suspect most of the population of the US doesn't even know that the USPHS has a uniformed branch I don't really feel bad about the lack of knowledge, but I am intrigued.

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