Friday, May 28, 2010


Boeing is starting a program next month to encourage exercise - you sign up, get a free pedometer, set yourself a goal, and enter your steps taken into a tracking database. If you meet your goal, you get a t-shirt and are entered into a prize drawing. Not bad for six weeks self-tracking.

Well, I got my pedometer last night. I really had no idea how many steps I take in a day, but it is looking like the system-generated goal of 5,000 steps per day will be very easy - I'm already at 2,837, and based on my walk into work my walk out will add anther 1,900 or so.

So should I up the target? The next level is 10,000 steps per day.

1 comment:

Elizabeth R said...

An article on PubMed recommends 10,000 steps per day as reasonable for healthy adults.