Saturday, July 19, 2008


It was long, and complicated. It involved flying motorcycles (they used a runway, not magic), truth drugs, and a wide variety of other things.

But at the end, I came face to face with a tablet that contained the objective of my entire life. It was written in Latin (not real Latin, dream-world Latin). It was just a single word, and it meant 'live well'. Not live well as in "eat, drink, and be merry" though that was a small part of it, but rather to live a good, honorable, productive life.

What does your tablet say?


Anonymous said...

Let the summation of my life, from begining to end, be such that the total amount of happiness in the world has increased by virtue of my having lived in it.

And It would be written in Dream Math, not dream Latin. all symbols and formulas.

Gridley said...

Ooh, dream math sounds cool.