Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The latter half of last week and this weekend I've been dealing with a cold.

I've tried a great number of things over the course of my life to reduce the frequency with which I get colds and their severity once I get them.

12-hour Sudafed, Airborne, Tylenol Extreme Cold, massive doses of Vitamin C, high fluid intake, low fluid intake, high activity level, low activity level, 6-hour Sudafed, zinc, cough drops, Riccola, tea with lemon, chicken soup, gargling with salt water, sleeping sitting up, Vix, hot showers...

I wonder how much of the human race's theoretical productivity has been lost to colds, directly or indirectly.

What do you do when you get a cold?


Anonymous said...

depends on how severe it is....
level one: blow my nose and ignore it.

Level two: drink orange juice, take hot baths, and sleep.

level three: Go to emergency room and get informed that I don't JUST have a cold, I also have mold in my lungs. And that I should have come in a week ago.

I've rarely encountered a cold that didn't succumb to a hot bath, a gallon of orange juice, and 20 hours of sleep. Part of that may be the effectiveness of the cure, but most of it is probably that a cold only lasts so long. If I pretend I don't have one till the symptoms can't be ignored, then it's already run most of it's course, and the day of sleep and liquid gets me through to the end.

Gridley said...

Ah, the wonders of wilful disbelief. :-)