Friday, March 20, 2009


Its that time of the year again!

This blog is now two years old, with 387 posts to date.

Who are you?
A man who no more knows his destiny than a tea leaf knows the history of the East India company. Yeah, I'm going through one of those "we don't know a millionth of 1% about anything in the universe" phases.

What do you want?
Sleep. Sleep would be good. Philosophy is not for the exhausted.

Why are you here?
Because I refuse to quit before I finish. I'm not sure when or if I'll finish, or how I know I will, but I've done enough quitting in my life.

Where are you going?
Lately I feel like I'm in the Red Queen's Race, where one must run as fast as possible to remain in the same place. The good I manage to do seems easily smashed by the evil and stupidity of others, yielding no net beneficial result.

Who do you serve, and who do you trust?
I serve the Consitution of the United States of America, which (especially lately) is not at all the same thing as the government of the United States of America. I try to serve my friends and family. I trust... a very, very small number of people.

OK, way too many typos in writing this - I really need more sleep...

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