Monday, April 27, 2009

I don't FEEL older

But, I am.

Of course, every day I get older, but changing into a new decade... well, that only happens once in a while, and makes you feel a lot more than one day older.

So, now I need to update my "About me" on this blog, as I am no longer a "Twenty-something male human."


chris said...

First, Happy Day Late Birthday!
Second, If you think your number age doesn't match you mental age, just change your age to base 12... Happy 26th Birthday!
Third, as a 21 year old(base 20).... my sympathy is limited.

Gridley said...

1st - thank you.
2nd - but I can't make jokes in base 13! Sorry, had to get the obscure Douglas Adams ref in there.
3rd - as it should be. :-)