Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Experiment, D-4

I am going to conduct an experiment. I am going to try to eat nothing except food tablets ( ) for a week, starting July 10th. If you have suggestions on how to conduct this experiment better, please comment here before the 10th.

Why? I’m trying to determine if these things actually work, and if so how well. If they do, they’re an ideal ‘patrol’, survival, or hiking ration (lightweight, long shelf life, no preparation, cheap). However, their claims make me skeptical that they will, in fact, work. Hence, the experiment. :-)

I will take by mouth each day only water, prescription medication, and the tablets. No juice, alcohol, or anything else that has calories.
I will put one tablet in my mouth each hour and let it dissolve (manufacturer directed method). I will drink water as I routinely do (several quarts per day).
Each morning I will record my weight.
I will wear a pedometer, and record my total steps each day. This is intended to be a rough measure of my activity level. I’ve been wearing the pedometer for three weeks to give me a baseline to work from. My minimum level is 7,500 steps per day (yes, I work a desk job).

Variations and limitations:
I will start by taking the recommended 12 tablets per day. Should this seem to be insufficient, I will increase this up to 24 tablets per day. I will record how many tablets I actually consume each day.
If I experience a rapid weight loss or any adverse medical condition (dizziness, nausea, etc.) I will abort the experiment.

This experiment will be considered a partial success if I can go for at least three days on not more than 24 tablets per day with no ill effects and no real reduction in my activity level. The food tablets would still work as a patrol or hiking ration, or a supplemental survival ration. I would keep a few bottles in stock for these purposes.
This experiment will be considered a complete success if I can go for the full week on not more than 12 tablets per day with no ill effects and no real reduction in my activity level. The food tablets would be exactly what they’re advertized as: a survival ration, and a good one. I’d keep a reasonable number of bottles in stock along with my other emergency food stocks. At ~$30 for a 15 day supply with a ten-year shelf life they’re much cheaper to stock than most foods.

I’ll do my best to post status updates here daily (tablets eaten, steps taken, weight, and any comments).

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