Thursday, December 6, 2012

This is what you voted for

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Obamacare is a fundamentally bad plan and unconstitutional to boot.

But this post is just about Point A.

Walmart will be cutting health care coverage for a large number of its workers, and reducing the hours of many so that it can cut their benefits too.

This is fully legal under Obamacare, and the taxpayers will be picking up the tab.

In other words thanks to the wonder of Obamacare Walmart will save money and its workers will get fewer hours and less benefits. But you should remember that our glorious leader is for the poor and middle class people of this country, not the rich. That’s why his signature legislation will benefit the millionaires who run Walmart while imposing another financial burden on the middle class taxpayers and making life harder for the poor.

I’m not defending what Walmart is doing, but I’m sure they’ll be just the first of many companies to do this. I get bitten by this two ways – the federal government is going to need to raise more money to pay for the increased number of people getting some healthcare on the government’s dime, and the insurance companies are going to up prices since the government dime doesn’t go very far in healthcare. If you think Medicare is a great plan I urge you to consult with someone familiar with the billing side of it – providers like, say, paramedics often have to have that familiarity since if we don’t do our documentation “right” (i.e. to arcane government standards) Medicare won’t pay our employer.

1 comment:

Elizabeth R said...

Actually, this is what I voted against!