Friday, August 31, 2007


I had a discussion with some co-workers yesterday about burial, organ donation, etc.

Now, I'm an organ donor. I'm a donor for anything they can find a use for when I die. Heart, eyes, skin, whatever. If there's a way to drain my blood and use it for transfusions or for research, that's fine with me.

Part of all that, of course, is because doing that can help save lives, or greatly improve them. But part of that is because I simply don't care what happens to my body after I die. My body is not ME. I am a collection of thoughts, experiances, dreams, opinions, hopes... and none of that is about my body.

I don't care if I'm buried, cremated, or mummified. I believe that when I die my spirit leaves my body. I'm not sure where it goes, or if it just ceases to exist, but I'm sure it has nothing to do with my body anymore. I've seen people die. I can't describe what I saw, but I could sense that their body was just a bunch of flesh at that point.

What do you believe happens when you die?

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