Thursday, March 20, 2008


My blog is one year old today!

A bit of news: yesterday I was anesthatized for the first time as an adult (outpatient procedure). I don't remember the procedure itself, which isn't surprising, but while I do remember being in the recovery room, I don't remember getting dressed or walking out of the building no matter how hard I try. I must have done so, and must have been awake when I did it (getting out of a patient gown and getting dressed while unconscious? I think not), but I can't recall it.

It is freaking me out more than anxiety about the procedure did, to be honest.

I forget things, of course; just about everyone does. For that matter, I've never met anyone who claimed to have perfect memory, though I hear they exist.

But knowing I did something yesterday morning that I couldn't remember yesterday afternoon, or now, is upsetting.

OK, that was more than a bit of news.

Annual questions:
Who are you? I am a fighter, but not a warrior. A healer, but not a doctor. I am a dreamer and a wisher who knows wishes almost never come true.
What do you want? I want Hillary NOT to win. I want that very badly. I want people to think of the long-term consequences of their short-term actions.
Why are you here? Because I've made a lot of bad decisions. I can't say for sure I wouldn't be here anyway if I'd made them correctly, but I think it highly unlikely.
Where are you going? I've thought of going to Australia. I'd like to go into space. All in all, I don't really know. The fog in front of me is very thick.
Who do you serve, and who do you trust? I serve the US Consitution, though not necessarily the US Government. I serve those I love (and Love) who will let me, and the larger world as best I can. I trust... I don't know who or what I trust right now. Not much, to be sure.

Based on the above, I don't think the anti-depressant is working yet.


Raising Them Jewish said...

I sweetheart... I'll see if I can give you a call this weekend. Try to remember that you are loved and thought of, and that there is always a tomorrow.

Gridley said...

Hmm. I guess "there is always a tomorrow" is better than "it could be worse"...