Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

OK, what is wrong with people? How on earth do you open a store at 4:00AM for shopping?

Drugstores, OK. Grocery stores, I guess. But... department stores?

I admit, only one ad I saw had a 4:00AM opening. But two more had 5:00AM openings. Why?!?!?


Unknown said...

As opposed to the stores that are open 24/7?

*shrugs* And you even worked shift work.

How about which ever store you start in is likely the one you will spend the most money in?

Anonymous said...

For the stores it makes sense. You open a store when people will shop. If people will shop in vast numbers at 4:00AM, you open at 4:00AM. It's once a year, so it's "special" shopping. People spend more on special occasions, and you want them to do it at your store.
Plus... It increases the time open on Black Friday. Since there really are hordes of people who will do a lot of shopping on that particular day, it makes sense to add shopping hours to that particular day. Your real question should be What is wrong with people? How on earth do you get up at 4:00AM to shop, if that's not part of your regular awake time?

Gridley said...

No, no, I understand why the store is opening at 4:00AM from the store's perspective, I don't understand why on earth people would get up before 4:00AM to go shopping unless they needed something.

Yeah, I've worked shift work, and 24/7 food places are a blessing. But I never went to a department store at midnight.