Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fasten or zip?

There's an episode of Babylon 5 where Sinclair and Garibaldi are on a shuttle killing time, and Garibaldi brings up the question: when you're putting on your pants, do you fasten and then zip or the other way around?

In the spirit of that highly revealing personality question...

Do you turn on the water before or after you get in the shower?

Oh, and periodic update: the DJI closed below 8,000 today, having dropped 2,798 points since the bailout on 10/3/08. Your Federal tax dollars at work.


Anonymous said...

After, but I have a removeable shower head, so I don't get spray with cold water. If I didn't, I'd turn it on first. I don't like cold showers.

Gridley said...

I get in the shower, then turn on the water, because I don't like cold water but I like getting water on the floor even less.

Toni said...

There are people on the planet who get in the shower and *then* turn the water on?? Not knowing what it will feel like?? o_O

Gridley said...

You mean aside from me? I suppose somewhere there are others.