Sunday, April 15, 2007

California Dreams

Well, Friday the 13th wasn't nearly as unlucky as it could have been.

True, we were seated between the engines of an MD-80, but while we were waiting at the airport we saw the Large Cargo Freighter (often referred to by me as "the tumor plane") do a few liftoffs and landings. I have no idea what it was doing, but it was cool to see something that's part of the 787 program.

True, the plane was almost an hour late, but that meant my friend could pick me up at the airport instead of trying to find her place at night.

All in all, not so unlucky.

Yesterday we met up with my sister and went to the Irwindale Ren Faire. My friend hadn't been to one before, but she really seemed to enjoy it. Overall, it was a pretty good faire - not as good as the Ohio faire, but about as good as Gig Harbor. I invested in matched sword/dagger pair - the sword is a heavy one hander or a light two hander, battle-ready and being sharpened by the smith for shipment to me. I plan to add it to my gear for faires and some SCA events. I was pulled from the audience to be on stage for a "Bold and Stupid Men" show, which was a lot of fun. One of the things I love about Faires is that you can just let go and have fun, and almost nothing you do will draw unfriendly looks. Looks, yes, after all people are looking to be entertained and amused, and what's wrong with being the entertainment if they enjoy it?

I also watched a short soccer game my friend was in - her team won 4-0. :-)

I'm really glad I came - things aren't perfect, but they're at least as good as I expected, and I expected quite a bit from this weekend.

Lots of California songs are running through my head - "Wish they all could be California Girls," "Surfin' USSR," "California dreams"... I say running through my head to mean that the parts I know are. Hey, those are some good parts.


Anonymous said...

Good to think that you had a good time...and that not everyone is so pointedly evident in your blog as in mine.

I did have a good time, I loved the faire; though I'm still aiting to hear about my largess purchase...:-(

Gridley said...

Well, just because I feel comfortable sharing the dark, evil recesses of my soul doesn't mean other people are going to be happy about me telling their secrets. :-)

Of course, over time who's who will probably become somewhat more evident - I need to have more friends to keep the confusion rate high.