Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Score


Well, after just over 7 hours, I've finished Deathly Hallows. Kinda appropraite - seven books, seven years since I found them, seven hours to read book 7, working on the seven series of airplanes for Boeing... but I don't think this means good luck for me.

Enough. The book.

Oh. Azel.

Oh. Zarth.

That woman has talent.

She may forget characters (where the #^%! was Fawkes?!!?), she may not know how many students are at Hogwarts, but oh sweet merciful Guardian can she write.

I guess I should start out by admitting I was wrong. Completely wrong. Oh, I could total up my predictions and score pretty well on a percentage basis, but I'd still be wrong. I thought that Half-Blood Prince was a fluke, and that I understood how the series worked. Nope. No way, no how.

It looks like I owe an apology to Steve Kloves, too.

I was wrong about so many characters. Not quite wrong about Neville - means vs. ends, I guess. I got the ends right after all, she just fooled me on the means even though I knew all along there were other means than wands. I wasn't entirely wrong about Ginny either, in terms of what she'd do (though I was wrong there, too), but I was completely wrong about how much she mattered to the plot. I was wrong about what would happen, and why.

I was even wrong within the book. The first time Harry saw an eye in the mirror shard and thought it was Dumbledore, I knew it wasn't him, but I tried to make a list of everyone else with blue eyes. I even spent a little time thinking Sirius' eyes might be blue.

It never even occured to me that the doe might be Snape's Patronus. I knew he was evil right up until the moment that something besides blood came from his body. Then I knew she'd redeem him, but, really, I should have seen it coming a mile away.

I really wonder if I'll ever be able to write again. Fiction, that is. I'm still in shock right now, highly emotional, I've had maybe an hour and a half of sleep in the last 26 and not enough this week on any given night, but I just can't see how I could ever create something that anyone would want to read after they read THAT. Others, certainly - I may be in the top half, even, of the fanfic authors out there, only becuase that group includes people who couldn't write a coherent sentance if they tried, but the curve goes way, way, over my level. Someone will someday make a worthy sucessor.

There's no single element. Zarth, some of them were weak enough that I could have done better. The Put-Outer can be a self-guiding portkey? Oh, please.

But I could never have written Harry Potter in the Deathly Hallows. Never in my life.

J. K. Rowling, you are brilliant. Bloody brilliant.


Raising Them Jewish said...

Let's not forget her fabulous ability to present a Deus Ex Machina like no one else. Let me just go into Voldies mind and hear him talking about ALL his different Horcuxes..hmm...sure.

That she wrapped up the story by saying "they all went to azkaban and it was okay"...oh great. They went back to the Dementors who were on their side before... WONDERFUL...

She sort of cheated me out of an ending...grrr....

Gridley said...

She did leave a very large number of loose ends. Upon further consideration, did the Sorting Hat survive Voldy setting it on fire because of its magic? If so, why didn't Voldy know it would?

Of course, from my prospective what she really did was throw the field open for fanfic authors... one of the best fics in the genre was Arabella and Zsenya's "After the End."