Friday, July 13, 2007

Vegas, Baby!

Am I the only person in the United States who has never been to Vegas and has no real interest in going there?

OK, it would be fun to see some of the shows, but that's about the only reason I'd go, and travelling a thousand miles to see a show just seems a little excessive to me.

I'm not interested in gambling, and if I were I could do it quite easily locally (lots of Indian reservations -> lots of casinos).

I'm not interested in hiring a 'lady of the evening'.

I only know two people in the area, and they're not in the group of people I'll travel to see.

What else is there?


Raising Them Jewish said... just said that two people you know aren't worth traveling to. that's sort of harsh.

I think that you discount the fact that Las Vegas is inches away from a National Park- it's also got a lot of character for a city. It's something you, as an AMercian, should say you've done.

Gridley said...

They're friends of friends - I'd happily see them and spend time with them if I were nearby, but I'm not going to travel a thousand miles just to see them.

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, I guess?

Perhaps it is my innate contrarianism - anything that is so widely accepted as "cool" gets an unthinking negative reaction unless I can establish that there is something I find interesting in it.

I sometimes wonder what would have happened, for instance, if I had run into Harry Potter a few years later than I did - would I have automatically rejected it until someday I got bored, had nothing better to do, and sat down to read?

I think that may merit a blog post all its own.