Monday, January 7, 2008

Gaming Again?

I may soon be joining a new gaming group. The DM has put out the call, and it looks like we may have a 6 player (plus DM) party.

He's doing stats by roll, which I haven't done in years. I was a little worried that my dice would hold their inactivity for the past several months against me, but I guess they had enjoyed their nap because I got quite good numbers.

I realize that anyone who doesn't game may:
A. Not believe that dice have personalities.
B. Not care about the fictional characters I create.

To point A I can only say: if you game long enough you will at some point comment that your dice like/dislike you. This applies to board games as well, though IME it takes longer to manifest itself.

To point B... well, you're probably in the majority. :-)

Anyway, I'm leaning towards a (1st level) human cleric named (as my characters almost always are) Gridley. Gridley is a cleric of Heironeous, War and Good domains. I visualize him as something like an AmeriCorp volunteer; except instead of building dams and things he's killing undead and orcs.

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