Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, I got less done this vacation then I expected; I blame the high addictiveness level of Galactic Civilizations (which is a really great game, BTW).

Still, bought more bookshelves, cleaned out the apartment (except for trash), unpacked and organized somewhat.

I now own what I think is my first Craftsman tool; a cordless drill.

More and more, living in the suburbs again is making me realize how much I wish more people I know lived nearby. Especially a few people that I always enjoy spending time with, but (like everyone) I can't keep up with long distance.

This year I'm resolving to exercise more; I've set a schedule for myself and I've already started.

May your new year bring you new dreams.


Raising Them Jewish said...

Thanks for the New Year's phone call- I hope that it was a good night.

Btw: Neighbors can be nice- you just have to say Hi!

Gridley said...

It was a pretty good night, yes. :-)

I hope yours was too.