Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mythical Beasts,2933,365629,00.html

A "Unicorn" (a deer with a single antler in the center of its head) has been found in Italy.

I want a Phoenix next!

In all seriousness, this must have happened before at some point in history.

What other mythical beast could have been a mutation of a real animal? I have a hard time thinking of any.

"Its either a unicorn or a horse with a gruesome head wound. I'm choosing to be optimistic."


Toni said...

Would have had to have been an albino deer.

...Jim do not read this comment!!... (He hates stuff like this)

There could have been a woman with a gross genetic mutation which fused her legs together & caused her to grow fish-like scales on her lower body...

Or a Siamese dog which sprouted 2 (or 3??) heads...

Or a man with a cleft forehead who's eyes had fused into one giant eye...(and a thyroid condition causing him to grow to an enormous size)

Or a man flooded with so much testosterone he became entirely covered with hair... so driven by his glands, he was forced to live in the woods to prevent him from ravaging the townspeople...

I could go on and on lol but I should probably get some work done today!

Gridley said...

I can't see the legs fused together, but the siamese dog seems quite possible.

Anonymous said...

here is what I found of the unicorn I saw. It was at the circus. I believe this article to be more or less true, At a minimum, Barnum&Bailey advertised an actual unicorn, and had an animal that matched.
I have seen elephant skulls, and have been told that they are the basis for the myth of the cyclops. the skull does look like it has a single giant eye man.html
wolfman is easy, hypertrichosis.
here's your real life phoenix. has it that Sea cows were the original mermaid, and now there's proof that they were had legs
ettins, or two headed men, definitely exist, and existed.

Raccoons and squirels make pretty good mischief-making goblin and fay folk.

I'm sure I could think of and track down minimal proof for more "real world" Mythical Beasts. but I need to go to bed.
P.S. wonder why I can't sign in this time? Oh well, too late to worry about it