Tuesday, June 3, 2008

PDQ Bach

Sunday I attended a concert. The first half was a group that a friend of mine sings in doing their normal sort of music; the second half they did PDQ Bach's "The Seasonings," with a certain special guest from the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople. :-)

I've listened to many of PDQ Bach's works on tape, CD, or radio, and seen one televised performance, but I'd never seen one live before. As with just about everything in the performing arts IME, a live performance is much better than anything else.

The Seasonings is not my favorite PDQ piece (that would be the 1712 Overture), but it is an excellent one, and the group did a very good job with it. The Slide Whistles, Tromboone, and Shower Hose in D were played as well as they can be, and the Fugue was truly unique.

To curry favor, favor curry!

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