Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An honest politician

Definition: one who once bought, stays bought.

I don't think the enemy even meets this definition.

I know FOX isn't unbiased, and nor are their stories. I know everyone makes mistakes, and almost everyone lies. But, really, look at some of these! Not just lies, but blatent lies. Not little mistakes or embellishments, some of these are complete fabrications.

I'm curious what the other two parts of this series will show.


Toni said...

For every person who remembers a politician's previous remarks and compares them to their current remarks and policies, there will be thousands who don't know and don't care and vote for the party they've always voted for.

Gridley said...

You're right. Luckily, I think those who do pay attention are still numerous enough to tip the balance of elections either way.