Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Drinking Age

Apparently several university officials have signed a petition to lower the drinking age.

I'm of the opinion that it should be 18. At 18 you have to register for the draft (if male), you can get a drivers license in any state, and for most legal purposes you're considered an adult. For most of the population it closely coincides with graduating from high school, also a rite of passage. When I was in college, I noted little difference in the total amount that people over and under 21 drank; just a difference in where they did it.

Of course, I also favor legalizing marijuana, so it probably won't surprise people that I favor a lower drinking age.

On the flip side, I think penalties for drunk driving should be much higher, and while I wouldn't actively support a ban on tobacco products, I wouldn't oppose one either.

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