Monday, August 25, 2008


What drives us to ask questions when we know we won't like the answer? Is it masochism? Foolish optimism? Is it the same impulse that drives us a prod a sore tooth to see if it still hurts or pick at scabs?

Do we take pleasure in predicting the end of the world because it absolves us from responsibility?

I'm reminded of the movie "Captain Horatio Hornblower" where two Royal Navy officers are discussing an upcoming fight with a more powerful Spanish ship. One says "I'll wager five guineas we're all dead by morning." The other replies "Done. Where should I send the money if you win?" So what drives someone to make the bet? Either they loose the bet and have to give the other guy money, or they die. How can they come out ahead in this?

And why do I sometimes feel the same way?

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