Friday, February 8, 2008

And the luck ends

Well, I'd been having a pretty good week. Took care of a number of things on my to-do list, generally things were breaking in my favor. Apparently in balance, a co-worker has been having a run of really bad luck. Spilling coffee on herself, etc.

Well, the run appears to be over. I'd picked out three pieces with a common theme for the upcoming Aquaterra Bardic Championship coming up in March. Today I got an email with the rules. One of my pieces (the best IMO, and the one that was going to be my "original work" entry) isn't a valid entry. Worse, I can't think of anything I can do within the criteria to maintain my chosen theme. Filk and modern are out, and those are my two best catagories. I've got very little period stuff on tap.

I may have to drop back to a single entry (which means I wouldn't actually be competing for champion, a goal I'd set for myself), or put up something that is very second-rate (which strikes me as a poor showing indeed).

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