Friday, February 29, 2008

French win first victory over US

The Pentagon has announced that the Airbus team has won the Air Force tanker contract bid.

I'm angry. I'm livid. I'm mad. I'm frustrated.

What ten year old in a general's uniform who never studied history made that call? What moron with the common sense of a table decoration decided to trust the French to build an entire fleet of critical aircraft?

Boeing was offering a tanker which has already completed a flight test and service ready program. For another air force, true, but the development would have been the easiest and most reliable possible program. Airbus is offering a plane that doesn't exist.

Boeing's entry would have been build mostly in the US. Airbus' will be built mostly overseas.

We've already seen the French government play politics with Airbus. What if they decide to slap down the US a few years from now and hold up delivery of tankers?

Azel grant me patiance.

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