Monday, February 18, 2008

Go EAST Young Man!

Saturday I reversed the common advice and went east on a day trip to Spokane.

Spokane wasn't full of whiskey, women, or gold as far as I could tell, but I did aquire the shotgun I went out there to buy.

Mapquest called it 307 miles each way; total round trip, door to door, was 11 hours, 45 minutes.

Some observations:

Snoqualmie pass was impressive. On the way out there were snow banks over twice the height of the cars right next to the road. On the way back one lane was blocked by a collapsed bank, and there was a full-size backhoe clearing it up. On the return trip we hit the pass just at sunset - it was beautiful. I hope the pictures came out. Taking pictures from a moving car with rain on the windows and poor exterior light is tricky.

I think I need a photo catchup week - I owe picks of the SCA scroll, and should put up ones of the shotgun and the pass. Can anyone think of anything else I need to post pictures of?

Eastern Washington is even emptier than central Pennsylvania, which is saying something. Both eastbound and westbound I had a stretch of over a hundred straight miles where I just set the cruise control and steered without ever needing to change speed.

Spokane surprised me - I thought four-lane one-way urban streets were limited to Pittsburgh. :-)

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