Thursday, October 2, 2008

I love my country but I fear my government


I was amazed to see this article on CNN; I would have been somewhat surprised to see it on Fox. This is more the sort of thing I expect to see on someone's blog.

A bipartisan system is very dangerous, IMO. While we at least dodged the bullet of having two families trade the executive office for more than 20 years, we've still hit 20.

The problem is that the bipartisan system encourages a binary view of the world. There is only right and wrong, nothing in between. Only democrat and republican, and no one who doesn't buy into one of the parties stands a chance. There can be only two sides to any issue. Pro life or pro choice. You're either with us or with them. Worse, there is no unity. We aren't Americans. We're conservatives or liberals first, and citizens second. We can't unite, we can only polarize.

The world isn't binary. The world isn't even digital, with finite steps. The world is analog, with an infinite number of shades of grey. Each shade is different, each person is different, and while white is clearly different from black there's no clear dividing line between white and grey, or grey and black.

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