Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last Debate Tonight

Daily status: the DJI has dropped 2,218 points since the bailout passed on October 3rd. Your Federal tax dollars at work!

How's everyone liking the roller coaster ride?

Well, the last debate is tonight. I'd say "at least they won't snipe at each other about the bailout bill since they both argued for it and voted for it," except I don't have that much faith in politicians not to rewrite the facts anymore.

McCain will have to really trounce Obama tonight in order to have a shot at winning next month, and I just don't see that happening. My attention is shifting to the Senate and House, even though I have even less control over the way Congress shifts than I do the White House.

I think Facebook pages somehow contain trace amounts of cocaine. I can think of no other reason for the amount of time I'm spending logged into that site.

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