Thursday, October 16, 2008

It ain't over 'till its over, but...

Edit: Daily status: the DJI has dropped 1,817 points since the bailout passed on October 3rd. Your Federal tax dollars at work!

Its over. McCain needed a knockout win last night to have a chance at winning the election, and he didn't get it.

I gave up in disgust after 45 minutes. I'm tired of Obama running against Bush. I'm tired of Biden running against Palin. I'm tired of McCain and Obama dogding questions.

So next year we'll have Obama as president, most likely with a democratic congress to back him up. We'll see change, I'm sure.

Now I'm really glad I bought firearms this year - it may not be possible next year.

I'm going to try for a lighter note now. Here are some other campaigns I've seen this year.

3rd Prize: Go Green! Grinch '08
2nd Prize: Bigfoot - Nessie 2008: Things you can believe in.
1st Prize: 1,000,000 Strong for Colbert

And the Grand Prize goes to:
This November, don't vote for Obama, who will take your money and put it in the pocket of Jojo the Crack Whore and her 8 Welfare babies. Don't vote for McCain, who will take your money to line the pockets of big business.

Instead, vote for Ronald Reagan. He's dead. He can't take your money. And he can't make the country any worse than it already is.


Toni said...

I was pleased with the debate. They finally discussed abortion and supreme court nominees. They discussed Ayers extensively, and McCain said to Obama that if he wanted to run against Bush he should have run 4 years ago! :D

Gridley said...

I was glad McCain called Obama on that, but it isn't going to play through the press much.