Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Daily status: the DJI has dropped 1,729 points since the bailout passed on October 3rd. Your Federal tax dollars at work!

I really hope I can stop giving the daily status soon, but even if the DJI keeps going up like it did today it'll be the end of the week, and somehow I don't think the rate of rise today is sustainable.

I need some more laughs to start out my day, especially when I have early morning meetings at work like the one I did today, so I'm asking you: what web comics do you read in the morning?

I currently read Sluggy Freelance, Dilbert, Real Life Comics, User Friendly, Order of the Stick, and (on Sundays) Foxtrot.

Please note that while I don't insist on a punch line every day, or object to a dramatic plot arc now and again, I am mostly looking for laughs here.

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