Monday, October 20, 2008

New Games

Daily status: the DJI has dropped 1,531 points since the bailout passed on October 3rd. Your Federal tax dollars at work!

This appears to be the month of new games for me. Among other things, I played HALO for the first time yesterday. My skill at first-person shooters has not magically improved over the years. :-}


Anonymous said...

You chose the wrong class to go up in then. FPS skills are not a class feature of Divine Servant of Pelor.

Gridley said...

That's Radiant Servant of Pelor. ;-)

Oddly enough they're usually part of the "geek" class, which I thought I was part of.

Anonymous said...

yes, but you went into the Engineer Prestige class, so you lost some basic geek abilities

Gridley said...

Ah, that explains it then.