Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Put up or shut up

For those who hadn't guessed already, I'm not a fan of the $700,000,000,000 bailout.

Here's an idea to reduce the cost to the taxpayer.

If the economy is really in danger, then all those executives who got multi-million dollar severance packages after a few years of running down their companies must have a lot to loose too. So let's set up the bailout a little differently. For every dollar they 'invest' the same way that proponents of the bill tell us we're really 'investing' this $700 billion, the government will put in not one, not two, but SIX dollars. That's right, if the people who are telling us how badly this is needed can put up just $100 billion, the government will put up the other six hundred billion dollars on behalf of the rest of us.

Somehow I don't expect a rush of people would go for this plan. Of course, that should say something about whether that $700 billion is really being poured into a hole in the ground or not.


Toni said...

I called my representatives today

Gridley said...

I emailed both WA senators (Murray and Cantwell) and my congressman (Larsen). Cantwell got a nice "thank you" since she alone of the three opposed the bailout.
